Presentation Bouquet | Order from Toronto's Best Local Florist
Send Stunning Flowers in Toronto & the GTA
Bright purple and yellow flowers in a large hand-tied bouquet.
Three women stand together, holding three sizes of fresh flower bouquets.
A close-up of bright yellow, purple, and light blue flowers in a hand tied bouquet.
A moody flower bouquet with lots of roses. It is decoratively wrapped in complementary paper..
A cheerful bouquet of flowers with purples and pinks, wrapped in decorative paper.
A hand-tied bouquet of various purple flowers wrapped in pretty, shiny paper.
A large colourful bouquet with tulips, anthurium, dahlia and ranunculus.
Presentation Bouquet
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Presentation Bouquet

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Dried Lavender by Purple Hill Farm



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Chocolate Bar by Alicja Confections



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Stocking Stuffer
Whatever! -Cookies & Cream

Herbal Tea by Floèm



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Thuja and Lavender
Apple and Meadowsweet
Rose and Chamomile


We deliver our fresh flowers, plants, gift items and dried flowers all throughout Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Click here to see our local delivery zones and rates.

Our presentation bouquet is full and compact with lush, premium blooms. It will be wrapped in complementing cellophane and tied with a trailing satin ribbon, while the stems will be placed in a secure water bag. The bouquet will stay hydrated for 24 hours (less if it is a REALLY hot day) before it needs to be placed in a vase with fresh, cool water. It does NOT come with a vase. This arrangement is perfect to be given on special occasions like graduation, anniversary dinner, award ceremony, etc.

Every arrangement is unique. All of our flower arrangements are designed in our signature style using at least 6 different varieties of flowers! Pictures shown are examples of past bouquets we have made. Your actual bouquet will be designed using the freshest product available that day, and will likely look quite different from the example image.  If there are any specific flower colours or types you want us to avoid, please leave a note in the "Design Notes". We always do our very best to accommodate. 
First Timer? Looking for the best and most reliable flower delivery in Toronto? Look no further. Our thousands of repeat customers will tell you that our specialty flower arrangements are sure to wow. If something goes wrong, our full time in-house admin team will be there to help make it right. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service. Give us a try, we promise you won't be disappointed.