lululemon Living Wall
Magic happens when creatives facilitate each others practice. Wild North is currently in residence at lululemons 318 Queen st. location. Every three months 318 hosts a new artist in residency and we were lucky to be invited to exhibits during the months of February, March and April.
We went all out for this one! We created a Living Wall with aid of our botanical stylist Wes Lincoln and a team that is always ready to get their hands dirty.
Starting from the ground up - we built this baby with all local plants and lots of love measuring almost 12ft in height! "Living Wall" will be residing at lululemons 318 Queen st. West location until the end of April.
We'd love to see your interactions with the wall - be sure to tag us (@wildnorthflowers) when you visit. We hope that this lush beauty brings the tropics to lulus patrons - helping them get through the grey of winter.